Saturday, October 6, 2012

My First MLB Playoff

Photo courtesy of Sarah Stierch

Before DC had the Nationals, I didn't have a team that I followed. Last night, as I was working, I couldn't turn my MLB At Bat app off. At first I listened to the Braves and the cardinals.

A Phillies fan, told me how the Cardinals stole their spot last year. I couldn't help but sympathize with him. In my mind, the Braves are the better team. But last night they couldn't get the job done.I think the Nationals are better than the Cardinals.

I was really pulling for the Orioles last night. I would love to see the Orioles beat the Yankees. Growing up they were the closest team so that would ne awesome.I didn't really follow the team but I do like the Oriole bird.

Its possible, we could see a Beltway World Series. If I would have said that a few months ago, I would have been called a clown.Yet the possibility is the a very real.

It's very different watching the playoffs as a fan of a team. I'm sure I am gonna enjoy the ride.